Sunday, December 6, 2009

~Rest AND Go~at Tropicana Mall

wahaha..seharian da penat membeli belah mencari barang penting untuk majlis kami next plan is watching a movie..tak plan pun nak tgk citer ape tapi nak tgk tempat yang slalu ditujui is Cineleisure Damansara...yerla tempat jatuh lagikan dikenang!hahah...kami berdua jerk yang tau pasal pepatah ni..sampai sane cite yang nak ditonton tempat duduk tak best!!so...go to another place...he said we go to sunway pyramid lor...okies!

otway g sane tetibe nampak "tropicana mall"...why not we go there honey?..kawan baby ckp tak ramai org kat pegila...
wahh...masuk2 untuk kali pertama yea..mmg tak ramai la jalan2 tanpa kesesakan...dan....perjalanan menuju ke TGV ade sesuatu benda yang menarik perhatian...

wahhh....pas bli tiket eh kite pegi...okies..!so pas bli tiket patah balik di tempat yang tadi..wahahaha...dari atas ternampak atuk dan nenek tua da "chop" dulu...haha..mmg patut pun tmpt tuh di kunjungi oleh warga emas!hahha..

so, nak di jadikan cerita taknak kempunan kami pergi jugak tempat tadi balik...awak duduk saya masukkan duit..ok..bape minit?...3 minit..ok!so aku dengan bangganye nak tolong la masukkan duit...duit kertas ok..awak bagi duit komot2 ni macam mane nak masuk?..budget nak tolong tegangkan duit tuh...

skali tetibe.."crack"...hahahahha.....duitnye terbelah dua!!hahaha...SORRY yang..tekoyakkan duit awak..tapi pape pun mmg best duduk kosi tuh..yang tak bestnye..kusi tuh tempat tak strategi...bebetul depan escalator org turun naik nak g level atas..huhu...


Friday, November 6, 2009

"I got a bad FLU for this few days.. :( "

Since this past few days i having a bad im doing a research why did symptom happen to me! im getting more confius when at 1st im meet the doctor said because of the whether..second time im meet a different doc said because of "resdung"! many reason!so..this what i got from my research...

What Is the Flu?

Influenza (say: in-floo-en-zah) is also called the flu. It's an infection that causes fever, chills, cough, body aches, headaches, and sometimes earaches or sinus problems. The flu is caused by the influenza virus (say: vy-rus). A virus is a microorganism (say: my-croh-or-gah-nih-zum), which means it's so small that you can't see it without a strong microscope.

For most people, the flu is a drag, but it goes away in a week or two. But for some people, the flu can make them very sick. Those groups include:

  • babies and kids younger than age 5
  • people older than 50
  • adults and kids who have health problems, such as diabetes and asthma

Anyone who's at risk of getting really sick needs to get a flu shot, or vaccine (say: vak-seen). People such as doctors and nurses also need the shot because they take care of sick people, and it's good for anyone who is around older people and younger kids to get the vaccine.

And now, experts say that all kids between the ages of 6 months and 18 years should get the flu shot. This is especially important for kids who have:

Flu vaccines are usually given in the fall, before flu season starts. Flu season means the months of the year when a lot of people have the flu and it's easy to catch it. It starts in November and usually ends in April.

Ohh!!maybe im the one who get this seasons symptom!!but...its usually ends in April??ohh gosh!!... :(


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Raya Diaries...

Raya Day 1 (20hb Sept 09)
Kring...Kring..."weh!ko nak pegi sembahyang raye tak?" "eh!makngah da pukul bape ni?alaaa...baru bangun la, makngah pegi jerla..."...hehe...mcm tuh la citer aku pagi raye!yer2 jerk nak follow makngah ngan nenek smbhyang raye!bangun lambatttt!!...takpe...bgn bersiap terus turun mkn...sementara tunggu along sampai nak beraya...sebelum "balik kampung"!uwaaaaaaa....sedey cite balik kampung,sbb aku takdek kampung!takpela...atleast still kene naik kete nak g uma nenek2 kami.....sampai uma nenek belah ibu semua sudah ade...kami beraya dan.......tiba masenye untuk..SNAP!SNAP!!!.... :)

Raya Day 2 (21hb Sept 09)
Adik beradik ibu ade 10!so aku rapat dgn belah ibu and belah ibu paling baraan biasenye akan berlaku mengikut permintaan tuan rumah siapa yang nak mulakan dulu. Pagi ni turn "baraan" (bahasa jawa ni bahasa lainnye konvoi) bermula rumah aku dulu...breakfast!disebabkan aku da bekerja jadi ibu da amanatkan aku wakil tuan rumah untuk bagi duit raye..habis mkn cuman wat announcement..ok!beratur salam awinnn!!!...yerrr...dan gambar dibawah telah disnap oleh paklangku....meriah sungguh!

Next umah paklong.....umah nenek kamariah....nenek jue....nenek leha...nenek melah...haaa....ramai kan nenek aku!time raye aku dengan tibe2 akan punyai ramai nenek!hahahahha......malam turn rumah acu....yea....ingat baru nak mengurangkan berat badan...macam mane ni besok ade lagi.... :P

Raya Day 3 (22hb Sept 09)

Morning!pagi ni start dengan umah cumannnn....breakfast nasi lemak...seterusnya umah pakuda...hahaha...makan roti telor!mane ade org wat open house raye mkn roti telorkan?!uma pakuda yaya jerk yang paling sempoiiii...then lunch uma makngah....!kenyangggggg....balik tido dulu petang bertolak ke sepang!uma da berape adik beradik aku sebut yer??hmmm...paklong, ibu, qila(nenek), makngah, cuman,pakuda,acu, paklang...ok!done!semua yang dekat2 da abis weekend ni turn makanjang yang tinggal di seremban....yeahhh!and 17hb oct turn uma pakngah di johor!ok complete diari raya ku...!hehhe...
..Selamat Hari Raya..
